Monday, March 15, 2010

Synchromystic Flashback: Floyd Anderson Gets Banned from Aeolus Kephas' Stormy Weather Forum

After this ban I was banned again. Banned twice from the Stormy Weather Forum. Mr. Kephas why must you be such a control freak?!

I just re-registered and posted about our solar system possibly being a binary solar system. It has to be approved before it shows up on Master Kephas' site though.


Anonymous said...

Shine forth Floyd, Keep an eye on the prize, Keep a saphire in your mind. Tom Waits. Have you said something insulting or otherwise? Aeolus is a curious blogger for sure. Move on brave soul! Let the Ego of some bloggers bounce off you like rain on a ducks back. Dennis. wv cling

Floyd Anderson said...

The first ban was after Ezra called him out on his use of multiple sock puppets and I happened to get a screen shot of it. Ezra's comment was deleted, so I posted the screen shot of it, which was deleted. So I kept posting it and I was banned.

The second ban was when Kephas banned many users than he deemed were not contributing enough.

So I have decided to go back for a third time.

Floyd Anderson said...

and here we go at the forum......check these people out: