Monday, July 05, 2010

The Soundgarden Nibiru Connection

Floyd Anderson
The Rabbit Hole
July 5, 2010

Soundgarden is reuniting this year. They will be taking the stage at 8:00 pm on 8/8/2010 at Lollapalooza in Chicago, and they are soon going to release an unreleased song entitled Black Rain. As Lucus has pointed out, Soundgarden has made multiple references that connect with the idea of the return of the destroyer star.

I have wondered for years when listening to Black Hole Sun what the heck they were referring to, and as I sat there watching Lucus' Brave New Books presentation where he connects that Soundgarden seems to be communicating something about the return of this dark star, black sun, brown dwarf, Nibiru, Planet X event that may be coming it all seemed to make some sense in a way that I had not previously thought of when listening to their music, watching their videos, checking out their album art, etc.

The black hole sun could be a companion to the sun that has been our one and only sun to so many of us living on Earth for thousands of years. Perhaps it rather is a binary solar system with two suns that we are living in and perhaps some people know quite a lot about the cyclical retun of this celestial body to our neighborhood of the solar system.

The symbolism from Soundgarden is definitely quite interesting to me and I feel like they are tuned in to something of great importance. I'm picking up all-seeing-eye and pyramid symbolism which to me indicates a recognizing of the hidden elite knowledge and the black hole sun could certainly be a dark star companion to the sun in our solar system that returns for one more time around every so many years. I've noticed the repeated triangle within a spiral symbol coming from Soundgarden.

In addition to the Black Hole Sun video, another video of theirs that really makes me think they are trying to send a message about the Destroyer Star / Nibiru event is Burden in my Hand. They both involve turbulence coming from the skies above and the end of the Burden in My Hand video even ends with the band entering into what looks like an underground shelter in a desert region and it certainly makes me think about the Denver New World Airport and everything there that is suggesting that it could be an underground protection facility.

I've mentioned Nibiru, the Destroyer Star, etc. , but to be honest it's hard to say exactly what the hell it is. It seems to be some kind of series of cosmic events involving celestial bodies passing through our neighborhood of the solar system. Perhaps the destroyer star is the largest of the returning bodies and perhaps it is a brown dwarf star. Nibiru may be a planet that is orbiting this star, and there could certainly be a few planets and moons altogether that are orbiting it.

With lyrics like "down below the truth is lying beneath the river bed" and "all my friends are Indians, all my friends are brown and red" it makes me think Soundgarden is in some way tuned in with the ancients, a similar feeling I have about Lucus.

It is the ancients who can teach us about the cyclical catastrophes that occur to our world.

The Burden in My Hand video has a number of connections to this event as Lucus has described it that I have found to be significant. It's got the dead fish and pile of bones in the desert, the underground shelter facility, the tugging at the heart, and it is not that far of a stretch to see the word Nibiru in the characters on the tail of the airplane that is buried in the sand.

I often have wondered if the idea of the new world order is referring to the agenda of the elites to try and ensure that a high level of control is in place before this event occurs, and is ultimately concerned with the desire to seize this opportunity to emerge in a desired level of extreme control over the human population.

How far does the system of control go and how weird are things really?

I am encountering so many synchronicities involving my experiences related to Lucus' presentation at Brave New Books that I am following this topic and seeing where it goes.


Anonymous said...

What a load of bollocks.

Katya said...

I believe you, but Im still going to live my life exactly as I would. If it's true, there's nothing we can do and maybe that's our destiny.Can't tamper with fate, ya know.

Anonymous said...

I think that soundgarden is a freemason iluminati , or something whit the high spheres , black hole sun say" time are gone for honest man , and sometimes far to long for snakes" that is telling you about reptilians in the earth, since the dinosaurs age to this very moment, soundgarden have much info , like " 4 of july" , chris tell that this song came out after a acid trip whit firework , but no, is something else , check out, is all there, I dont know is evil o good o neutral, but whatever it is , I LIKE SOUNDGARDEN a looot , why all good music is refert to devil , or devil ... etc, fuck
if you are interesting JIMI HENDRIX talks about rising land in the pacific ocean, aliens coming , eruption earth shaking, NEW EARTH and stuff like that... very Phophetic.... bye

Anonymous said...

I just saw their concert tonight, August 22nd, 2014 in Irvine CA, and what I saw in terms of symbolic communication lead me here. It seems your conclusion of 4 years ago has a lot of truth in it.

Other than their phenomenal performance musically, the graphic-symbolic-movie going on in the background was communicating something I believe was very close to what you came to the conclusion to all that while ago. When i got home, I searched for the ideas I believed Soundgarden were communicating and I was lead here. Anyway, it seems not much has changed and we should be thankful that someone like them is trying to communicate to us, at least symbolically, what has happened to our world and what/who has taken it over.

I would love to know what your assessment is of what Soundgarden is now showing as part of their current tour. What great musicians and apparently great subconscious communicators.

Unknown said...

Answer 17 05 2017