Saturday, June 25, 2011

Alex Jones, DMT and the Clockwork Elves

Are the New World Order henchmen taking DMT and communicating with clockwork elves?


Anonymous said...

If they are they are in for a rude awakening from the Dal. The "clockwork elves" are puppets, in actuality. Imagine a radio hooked up to a doll made of gears and widgets to foul some idiots into a massacre. The Dal are so far ahead of us that our entire race can be brought done with an air horn. It is funny that the masses think that these "clockwork machines" are an alien species.

Robalini said...

Are we still debating this. Of course they are! Hail the DMT elves!!!

Anonymous said...

Robalini. Sounds like a fat sausage made in the Ukraine. DMT is no alternative to Socorro Cactus, Vine of the Dead, and Native Blue Spiked Corn. It makes an excellent soup, that leaves a high for three solid days. There is no debate, you idiots have no idea what you are even talking about. For all the projects that you are told about there are many you are not told about. The "elves" are puppets, nothing more. Data Analog Logistics. The real threat is self aware. Research Montauk.